Effect of Al content on fracture behavior of γ-TiAl alloy
摘要: 利用分子动力学研究了300 K温度下,Al含量在45%~49%范围内时,单晶γ-TiAl合金单轴拉伸的裂纹扩展机理和力学性能变化。分析了Al含量为45%的γ-TiAl合金拉伸过程中裂纹演变过程和Al含量在45%~49%时γ-TiAl合金的应力-应变曲线、总能量随时间变化曲线。研究表明:Al含量会影响材料的性能,Al含量为45%的γ-TiAl合金拉伸过程中产生的Lomer-Cottrell位错对裂纹的扩展行为也有很大影响。由于堆垛层错,位错和孔洞的产生及位错反应和运动,以及Al含量降低导致材料的屈服强度增加。Al含量在45%~49%范围内的γ-TiAl合金随Al含量减少,材料的屈服应力和弹性模量增大。Abstract: The crack growth mechanism and mechanical properties of single crystal γ-TiAl alloy with 45%~49% Al under uniaxial tension at 300 K had been investigated be means of molecular dynamics. The crack development of γ-TiAl alloy with 45% Al content during tensile process and the stress-strain curve and the total energy variation curve with time for γ-TiAl alloy with 45%~49% Al content were analyzed.The results show that Al content affects the properties of the γ-TiAl alloy, and the Lomer Cottrell dislocation produced during the tensile process of γ-TiAl alloy containing 45% Al content has a great influence on the mechanism of crack propagation. Stacking fault, dislocation and holegeneration,dislocation reaction and movement, and decreasing Al content can all contribute to the increasing yield strength of γ-TiAl alloy. The yield stress and elastic modulus of γ-TiAl alloy increase with the decrease of Al content in the range of 45%~49%.
Key words:
- γ-TiAl alloy /
- fracture behavior /
- Al content /
- molecular dynamics /
- single crystal /
- stress-strain /
- the total energy
表 1 不同Al含量的γ-TiAl合金微观缺陷演变时间
Table 1. Evolution time of microdefects in γ-TiAl alloys with different Al contents
成分第一个位错形核时间/ps 发生变形时间/ps 断裂时间/ps 屈服应力/GPa Ti45Al 205 206.5 220.5 12.24 Ti46Al 203 207.3 215 12.06 Ti47Al 197 200.3 212 11.75 Ti48Al 179.9 195 207 11.57 Ti49Al 177.2 178 206 11.22 -
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