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郑帮智 田晓琳 王泽龙 唐新新

郑帮智, 田晓琳, 王泽龙, 唐新新. 异厚板激光拼焊接头动态拉伸性能数值仿真方法研究[J]. 钢铁钒钛, 2021, 42(5): 62-68. doi: 10.7513/j.issn.1004-7638.2021.05.010
引用本文: 郑帮智, 田晓琳, 王泽龙, 唐新新. 异厚板激光拼焊接头动态拉伸性能数值仿真方法研究[J]. 钢铁钒钛, 2021, 42(5): 62-68. doi: 10.7513/j.issn.1004-7638.2021.05.010
Zheng Bangzhi, Tian Xiaolin, Wang Zelong, Tang Xinxin. Research on numerical simulation method for dynamic tensile performance of laser tailor-welded joints of different thickness[J]. IRON STEEL VANADIUM TITANIUM, 2021, 42(5): 62-68. doi: 10.7513/j.issn.1004-7638.2021.05.010
Citation: Zheng Bangzhi, Tian Xiaolin, Wang Zelong, Tang Xinxin. Research on numerical simulation method for dynamic tensile performance of laser tailor-welded joints of different thickness[J]. IRON STEEL VANADIUM TITANIUM, 2021, 42(5): 62-68. doi: 10.7513/j.issn.1004-7638.2021.05.010


doi: 10.7513/j.issn.1004-7638.2021.05.010


  • 中图分类号: TF76,TG456.7

Research on numerical simulation method for dynamic tensile performance of laser tailor-welded joints of different thickness

  • 摘要: 研究了异厚板HC340LA和HC260LA低合金高强钢激光拼焊工艺,对焊接接头进行了X射线探伤、静态拉伸、金相组织和显微硬度检测与分析。结果表明,异厚低合金高强钢通过激光拼焊工艺可以得到成形良好的焊缝,焊缝组织以柱状马氏体为主。焊缝经探伤无明显可见气孔、夹渣等缺陷,拉伸试样断裂位置位于薄板母材一侧上,且焊缝融合区硬度明显高于母材。针对激光拼焊接头进行了动态拉伸试验和数值仿真分析,研究了共节点模型与试验的差异性、区域效应和厚度效应对应力应变的影响规律。研究表明,采用共节点数值模型进行动态拉伸仿真,其应变值远大于试验测得的应变值。焊缝相关联的母材区域可直接调控应力应变的分布情况,可通过区域效应调控应变的大小,厚度效应调控应力的大小。
  • 图  1  焊接接头的探伤、拉伸、硬度分布和显微组织

    Figure  1.  (a) X-ray inspection, (b) tensile, (c) microhardness distribution and (d-g) microstructures of the welded joint

    图  2  动态拉伸数值模型

    Figure  2.  Numerical models for dynamic tensile test

    图  3  试验测试的应变分布

    Figure  3.  Experimental strain distribution

    图  4  模型中试样的区域划分

    Figure  4.  Partition of the sample in numerical simulation model

    图  5  试样的应力应变曲线

    Figure  5.  Stress-strain curves of the sample

    图  6  共节点模型的应力应变曲线

    Figure  6.  Stress-strain curves of the common node model

    图  7  区域效应对应变的影响

    Figure  7.  The effect of the area size on the strain

    图  8  厚度效应对应力的影响

    Figure  8.  The effect of the thickness on the stress

    图  9  激光拼焊板成形试验

    Figure  9.  The forming test of laser tailor-welded blanks

    图  10  塑性应变云图的对比

    Figure  10.  Comparison of the plastic strain cloud diagrams of various models

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  • 收稿日期:  2021-01-06
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