Review of continue casting slab electromagnetic stirring technology
摘要: 简述了连铸板坯电磁搅拌技术的发展过程和现存问题,重点阐述了连铸板坯生产过程中结晶器内和二冷区电磁搅拌的工作原理和技术特点,对电磁搅拌器的安装位置进行了归纳,同时总结了板坯结晶器电磁搅拌和二冷区电磁搅拌的研究现状,探究了影响板坯电磁搅拌效果的因素及其主次关系,归纳了用于二冷区电磁搅拌支撑辊的作用及需继续探究的方向,分析了板坯电磁搅拌技术对铸坯内元素分布和等轴晶区间隙率的影响,为以后的板坯电磁搅拌研究者提供参考。Abstract: The development process and existing problems of electromagnetic stirring technology for continuous casting slabs were briefly described, focusing on the working principle and technical characteristics of electromagnetic stirring in the mold and the secondary cold zone during the production of continuous casting slabs. The installation position of the electromagnetic stirrer and the research status of electromagnetic stirring in the slab mold as well as electromagnetic stirring in the secondary cold zone were summarized. The factors affecting the electromagnetic stirring effect of slab and their primary and secondary relationships were discussed, and the electromagnetic stirring support roll used in the secondary cold zone was summarized. The role of slab electromagnetic stirring technology and the direction to be further explored were analyzed. The influence of slab electromagnetic stirring technology on the element distribution and equiaxed grain gap ratio in the cast slab was analyzed.
Key words:
- continue casting /
- slab /
- mold /
- electromagnetic stirring /
- secondary cooling zone
表 1 板坯连铸过程二冷区用电磁搅拌器的特点
Table 1. Characteristics of electromagnetic stirrer used in secondary cooling zone of slab continuous casting process
类型 感应器数量 感应器绕组 电流/A 中心电磁推力(mmFe) 作用面 对扇形段改造 优点 缺点 辊后式 1台,单面安装 铜管绕组,
迭绕式2000 35~50 单侧 连铸机结构及辊列需改造 寿命长 磁力小;
位置不可调磁极插入式 2台,对面安装 扁铜管绕组,克兰姆式 2×700 85~110 内外弧双侧 辊列结构
需改造磁力大;寿命长;适用范围广 需特制扇形段;铸坯易鼓肚 辊式 4根两对,
克兰姆式2×400 一对60~80;
两对并列:90~110内外弧双侧 - 安装位置灵活;
维护较麻烦 -
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