Current research status of advanced forming technology for high-performance titanium alloys
摘要: 主要介绍先进热成形技术、脉冲电流辅助成形技术和电磁辅助成形技术的特点,及其在钛合金薄壁板材成形中应用的研究进展。热成形是钛合金塑性加工应用最为普遍的成形工艺,利用高温下钛合金塑性变形软化的特征,能够实现复杂钛合金零件的成形。脉冲电流和电磁辅助成形技术目前尚未开展大规模的产业应用,其在高强度难成形材料的成形加工方面具有潜在应用前景。Abstract: In this paper, characteristics of advanced hot forming technology, pulse current assisted forming technology and electromagnetic assisted forming technology, and progress of these technologies application in titanium alloy thin-wall sheet forming had been reviewed. Hot forming is the most widely used forming process in the plastic processing of titanium alloy. The forming of complex titanium alloy parts can be realized by taking advantage of plastic deformation softening of titanium alloy at high temperature. Pulse current and electromagnetic assisted forming technology have not been widely used in industry, but they present potential application prospects in the forming of high strength and hard-deformation materials.
图 1 TC4钛合金屈服强度(a)、抗拉强度(b)和延伸率(c)随温度的变化曲线[11]
Figure 1. The yield strength (a), tensile strength (b) and elongation (c) of TC4 titanium alloy with forming temperature
图 2 不同温度和应变率下钛合金加工极限图谱[13]
Figure 2. Processing map of titanium alloy at different temperatures and strain rates
图 3 不同变形温度下TC4的显微组织结构[15]
Figure 3. The microstructure of TC4 alloy obtained under various forming temperatures
图 6 高能脉冲电流频率对TC4钛合金抗拉强度和延伸率的影响[40]
Figure 6. The effect of electropulsing frequency on tensile strength and elongation of TC4 alloy
图 8 常规冷拔和电流辅助冷拔TC4微观组织[44]
Figure 8. Microstructure of TC4 obtained from cold drawing and electric assisted drawing
图 10 高能脉冲频率下的拉拔组织形态和平均晶粒尺寸[40]
Figure 10. The microstructure and average grain size of TC4 alloy obtained from cold drawing process with electropulsing processing
图 11 电辅助电致塑性和非电致塑性效应定量研究[49]
Figure 11. Quantitative study of electroplastic and non-electroplastic effect
图 12 脉冲电流辅助条件下的应力应变曲线和热软化系数[50]
Figure 12. Stress-strain curve and thermal softening coefficient of TC4 alloying from electropulsing processing
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