Numerical simulation on pouring process of nickel base superalloy induction ingot
摘要: 利用ProCAST软件对镍基高温合金感应锭的浇注过程进行了数值模拟研究,分析了铸锭充型与凝固过程温度场、固相率等的变化特征及其对铸锭缩孔的影响,探讨了铸锭缩孔缩松随浇注温度的变化规律。结果表明,镍基高温合金感应锭凝固过程中,在铸锭纵向方向上,铸锭上部合金温度低,下部合金温度高,铸锭未实现从底部到顶部(浇口)的顺序凝固,铸锭端部的“V”形一次缩孔较深。在充型阶段,浇注温度的变化对合金流动的最大速度及合金液面波动的影响较小;在凝固阶段,降低浇注温度减小了铸锭下部的高温区域,能在一定程度上减小铸锭端部的一次缩孔深度,但由于其未能使铸锭在纵向方向上实现顺序凝固,因此降低浇注温度并不能显著减小铸锭端部的一次缩孔深度。另外,浇注温度的变化对铸锭内部缩松的影响较小。Abstract: In this paper, the numerical simulation on pouring process of nickel base superalloy induction ingot had been carried out by using ProCAST software. The change characteristics of temperature field and solid fraction during the filling and solidification process of ingot and their influence on ingot shrinkage porosity had been studied. Moreover, the change rule of ingot shrinkage porosity with pouring temperature had been investigated in detail. The results show that the temperature of the upper ingot is lower than that of the lower ingot along the longitudinal direction of ingot during solidification process, and sequential solidification does not occur in the ingot, thus the V-shaped primary shrinkage porosity of the ingot is deep. In the filling stage, the change of pouring temperature has little effect on the maximum flow speed and level fluctuation of alloy. In the solidification stage, lowering pouring temperature can reduce the high-temperature area at the lower part of the ingot and the primary shrinkage depth at the end of the ingot to a certain extent. Nevertheless, changing pouring temperature can not make the ingot achieve sequential solidification in the longitudinal direction, consequently, lowering the pouring temperature can not significantly reduce the primary shrinkage porosity at the end of the ingot. Moreover, the change of pouring temperature has little effect on the small shrinkage porosity in the ingot.
Key words:
- nickel base superalloy /
- ingot casting /
- numerical simulation /
- pouring temperature /
- shrinkage porosity
图 6 镍基高温合金感应锭的缩孔缩松[12]
Figure 6. The shrinkage porosity of nickel base superalloy induction ingot
表 1 镍合金的主要化学成分
Table 1. Main chemical composition of nickel alloys
% Al C Cr Fe Mo Nb Ti Ni 0.5 0.02 18.3 18.9 3 5 0.97 余量 表 2 模拟采用的主要工艺参数
Table 2. The main process parameters used in the simulation
浇注温度/℃ 入口直径/mm 入口速度/(kg·s−1) 1400, 1450, 1500 27 1.96 -
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