Research progress on purification and enrichment of vanadium-bearing acid leaching solution
摘要: 在分析含钒酸浸液性质特征的基础上,评述了含钒酸浸液净化与富集的研究进展情况。认为目前研究最多的是溶剂萃取法和离子交换法,其中酸性磷类萃取剂选择性差,中性含磷萃取剂一般是作为协萃剂或改性剂使用,碱性胺类萃取剂在操作过程中容易产生第三相,离子液体在萃取领域展示出良好的应用前景,但其规模化制备等问题尚有待解决;阴离子交换树脂在大部分pH条件下都适用,但强酸(pH<2)环境时还是螯合树脂较为适合;传统的化学沉淀法比较适合作为初步处理或者含钒酸浸液体系较为单一时使用;电吸附法虽萃取率较高,但尚且处于实验室研究阶段;溶剂浸渍树脂在实际使用时,树脂中的萃取剂很容易流失而难以大规模推广。最后提出了今后含钒酸浸液净化与富集的研究方向。Abstract: On the basis of analyzing the characteristics of vanadium-bearing acid leaching solution, the study development of purification and enrichment of this solution was reviewed. The most attention has been paid to solvent extraction and ion exchange presently. Herein, acidic phosphorus extractants have poor selectivity, neutral phosphorus extractants are generally used as synergists or modifiers and alkaline amines extractants are prone to produce the third phase in the operation process. Besides, ionic liquids have shown favorable application prospects in the field of extraction. However, problems such as large-scale preparation remain to be solved. Anion exchange resins are suitable for most pH conditions, but chelating resins are more suitable in strong acid environment (pH < 2). The traditional chemical precipitation method is more suitable for preliminary treatment or the relatively simple vanadium-bearing acid leaching solution system. Although electroadsorption method has high extraction efficiency, it is still at the stage of laboratory exploration. The extractant in solvent impregnated resin is easy to be lost during use, so it is difficult to be widely popularized. Finally, the research direction of the purification and enrichment of vanadium-bearing acid leaching solution in the future was proposed.
Key words:
- vanadium extraction /
- acid leaching solution /
- purification /
- enrichment /
- solvent extraction /
- ion exchange
图 1 V(V)、V(IV)在不同pH下的存在形式[8]
Figure 1. The existence forms of V(V) and V(IV) at different pH
图 3 P204、P507、cyanex272协同萃取结合形式[25]
Figure 3. Combination forms of P204、P507 and cyanex272 by synergistic extraction
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