Study on the effect of electric furnace steel slag-fly ash compound admixture on the properties of cement mortar
摘要: 将攀枝花钢城集团瑞钢公司产生的电炉钢渣球磨成微粉,复合粉煤灰制备电炉钢渣-粉煤灰复合掺合料,测定不同复合比例的水泥胶砂流动性,7 d和28 d抗折、抗压强度及活性,对28 d水泥胶砂试样进行了扫描电镜(SEM)、热重(TG)和差示扫描量热(DSC)测试。结果显示:电炉钢渣-粉煤灰复合掺合料流动度随着电炉钢渣含量的增加而降低,为保证流动度,建议电炉钢渣-粉煤灰复合掺合料中电炉钢渣含量不高于50%;电炉钢渣微粉活性比试验用市场粉煤灰好,电炉钢渣-粉煤灰复合掺合料中随着电炉钢渣含量的增加,强度和活性提高。Abstract: The electric furnace steel slag ball produced by Ruisteel Company of Panzhihua Steel City Group was used to grind into micropowder, and the composite fly ash was used to prepare the electric furnace steel slag–fly ash composite admixture. The fluidity, 7 d and 28 d bending, compressive strength and activity of cement mortar with different composite ratios were measured. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), thermogravimetry (TG) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) tests were performed on 28 d cement mortar samples. The results show that the fluidity of the electric furnace steel slag–fly ash composite admixture decreases with the increase of the content of electric furnace steel slag. In order to ensure the fluidity, it is suggested that the content of electric furnace steel slag in the electric furnace steel slag–fly ash composite admixture is no more than 50%.The activity of electric furnace steel slag powder is better than that of fly ash. The strength and activity of electric furnace steel slag–fly ash composite admixture increase with the increase of the content of electric furnace steel slag.
Key words:
- electric furnace slag /
- fly ash /
- composite admixture /
- cement mortar /
- activity /
- thermal analysis /
- phase analysis
表 1 电炉钢渣成分
Table 1. The composition of electric furnace steel slag
% TFe Cl- SiO2 CaO MgO TiO2 P2O5 SO3 V2O5 Al2O3 fCaO− Pb Cr Na2O Cr2O3 Fe2O3 BaO MnO 27.05 0.019 11.23 26.95 2.89 7.47 0.634 0.50 1.90 5.59 0.16 <0.01 0.267 1.90 表 2 试验方案及配比
Table 2. Test scheme and mix ratio
分组 水泥/g 矿物掺合料/g ISO砂/g 水/g 备注
(掺合料组成)粉煤灰 电炉钢渣
微粉A0 450±2 0 0 1350±2 225±1 无掺合料、对照组 A 225±1 225±1 0 1350±2 225±1 单掺粉煤灰 B 225±1 168.75 56.25 1350±2 225±1 电炉钢渣微粉∶粉煤灰为1∶3 C 225±1 112.5 112.5 1350±2 225±1 电炉钢渣微粉∶粉煤灰为1∶1 D 225±1 56.25 168.75 1350±2 225±1 电炉钢渣微粉∶粉煤灰为3∶1 E 315±1 0 135±1 1350±2 225±1 单掺电炉钢渣微粉 表 3 流动度试验数据
Table 3. Fluidity test data
序号 分组 横向/cm 纵向/cm 平均流动度/cm 流动比/% 备注 1 A0 21.2 20.3 20.75 100.00 无掺合料、对照组 2 A 25.6 26.1 25.85 124.58 单掺粉煤灰 3 B 24.6 24.2 24.4 117.59 电炉钢渣微粉∶粉煤灰为1∶3 4 C 24 23.5 23.75 114.46 电炉钢渣微粉∶粉煤灰为1∶1 5 D 19.8 19.8 19.8 95.42 电炉钢渣微粉∶粉煤灰为3∶1 6 E 19.2 19.2 19.2 92.53 单掺电炉钢渣微粉 表 4 抗折、抗压强度及活性指数
Table 4. Flexural strength, compressive strength and activity index
序号 分组 7 d抗折强度/MPa 7 d抗压强度/MPa 28 d抗折强度/MPa 28 d抗压强度/MPa 7 d活性/% 28 d活性/% 备注 1 A0 6.26 40.6 7.15 39.60 100.00 100.00 无掺合料 2 A 3.70 16.5 4.79 20.58 40.60 51.96 单掺粉煤灰 3 B 3.44 16.2 5.15 25.37 39.92 64.06 电炉钢渣微粉∶粉煤灰为1∶3 4 C 3.17 14.5 5.45 27.68 35.79 69.89 电炉钢渣微粉∶粉煤灰为1∶1 5 D 3.50 17.1 5.79 29.03 42.04 73.30 电炉钢渣微粉∶粉煤灰为3∶1 6 E 5.16 29.1 6.96 37.46 71.69 94.60 单掺电炉钢渣微粉 -
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