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郭续龙 蒋世川

郭续龙, 蒋世川. GH5188高温合金热变形组织传递规律研究[J]. 钢铁钒钛, 2022, 43(5): 145-152. doi: 10.7513/j.issn.1004-7638.2022.05.021
引用本文: 郭续龙, 蒋世川. GH5188高温合金热变形组织传递规律研究[J]. 钢铁钒钛, 2022, 43(5): 145-152. doi: 10.7513/j.issn.1004-7638.2022.05.021
Guo Xulong, Jiang Shichuan. Study on the microstructure evolution during hot deformation of GH5188 superalloy[J]. IRON STEEL VANADIUM TITANIUM, 2022, 43(5): 145-152. doi: 10.7513/j.issn.1004-7638.2022.05.021
Citation: Guo Xulong, Jiang Shichuan. Study on the microstructure evolution during hot deformation of GH5188 superalloy[J]. IRON STEEL VANADIUM TITANIUM, 2022, 43(5): 145-152. doi: 10.7513/j.issn.1004-7638.2022.05.021


doi: 10.7513/j.issn.1004-7638.2022.05.021


  • 中图分类号: TF76,TG132.3

Study on the microstructure evolution during hot deformation of GH5188 superalloy

  • 摘要: 采用Gleeble-3800热模拟试验机研究了GH5188高温合金多道次变形和保温过程中的组织传递规律,建立了变形速率0.01~10 s−1,变形量50%,变形温度980~1230 ℃下的热加工图,探讨了单道次变形后保温时间对双道次变形组织、双道次变形后保温时间和保温温度对组织遗传性以及双道次降温变形和保温时间对显微组织的影响。结果表明:热加工图中高功率耗散率区的边界条件分别为1050~1175 ℃、0.01~0.1 s−1和1200~1225 ℃、0.01~1 s−1,低功率耗散率区的边界条件分别为975~1150 ℃、0.01~10 s−1和1150~1225 ℃、0.1~10 s−1;第一道次变形后保温时间过长不利于第二道次动态再结晶的发生;双道次变形后保温时,发生了明显的再结晶现象,随着保温时间的增加,晶粒未发生明显的长大;随着第二道次变形温度的降低,试样再结晶比例降低,保温温度越低,越不容易发生静态再结晶。
  • 图  1  GH5188合金的应变量为50%时的功率耗散图

    Figure  1.  Power dissipation diagram of GH5188 alloy at 50% strain

    图  2  GH5188合金的应变量为50%时的失稳图

    Figure  2.  Instability diagram of GH5188 alloy at 50% strain

    图  3  GH5188合金变形量为50%时的加工图

    Figure  3.  Processing drawing of GH5188 alloy at 50% deformation

    图  4  单道次变形40%后经不同保温时间再变形40%前后的显微组织

    Figure  4.  The microstructure before and after deforming 40% in a single pass and then deforming 40% after different holding times

    图  5  不同双道次变形条件变形后保温30 min和60 min的显微组织

    Figure  5.  The microstructure of different two-pass deformation conditions after deformation and holding for 30 min and 60 min

    图  6  不同双道次变形条件变形后保温30 min和60 min的显微组织

    Figure  6.  The microstructure of different two-pass deformation conditions after deformation and holding for 30 min and 60 min

    图  7  1 180 ℃-40%+15 min+1150 ℃-40%双道次变形后保温不同时间的显微组织

    Figure  7.  The microstructure of 1180 ℃-40%+15 min+1150 ℃-40% double-pass deformation and heat preservation for a different times

    表  1  GH5188棒材化学成分

    Table  1.   Chemical conposition of GH5188 superalloy bar %

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    表  2  GH5188合金在不同变形条件下应变速率敏感指数m

    Table  2.   The strain rate sensitivity index m of GH5188 alloy under different deformation conditions

    $ \dot{\mathrm{\epsilon }} $/s-1m
    980 ℃1030 ℃1080 ℃1130 ℃1180 ℃1230 ℃
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    表  3  GH5188合金在不同变形条件下功率耗散效率因子η

    Table  3.   The power dissipation efficiency factor η value of GH5188 alloy under different deformation conditions

    $ \dot{\mathrm{\epsilon }} $/s-1η
    980 ℃1030 ℃1080 ℃1130 ℃1180 ℃1230 ℃
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    表  4  GH5188合金在不同变形条件下流变失稳判据ζ值

    Table  4.   Rheological instability criterion ζ value of GH5188 alloy under different deformation conditions

    $ \dot{\mathrm{\epsilon }} $/s−1ζ
    980 ℃1030 ℃1080 ℃1130 ℃1180 ℃1230 ℃
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