Research on preparation of metal vanadium by carbothermal reduction
摘要: 以高纯V2O5粉末为原料,C粉末为还原剂,对碳热还原制备金属钒过程进行研究,重点讨论了配碳量、温度、真空度和还原时间对钒中间体和精炼提纯过程的影响。结果表明,V2O5为逐级还原,存在直接和间接还原。配碳比32%,还原温度控制在1350 ℃,保温时间为120 min时,得到的粗钒固溶体相以<VO,V2C>为主,钒含量为84%左右。精炼提纯条件为温度1680 ℃,碳氧比1.02,真空度在0.1 Pa以下时,能得到延展性金属钒产品,纯度达到99.04%。Abstract: High-purity V2O5 powder was used as raw material and carbon powder was used as reducing agent. The process of preparing metals by carbothermal reduction was studied, and the effects of the amount of carbon, temperature, vacuum degree and reduction time on the products were discussed. The results show that V2O5 is a stepwise reduction with direct and indirect reduction. With a carbon ratio of 32%, the reduction temperature at 1350 ℃, and the reduction time of 120 min, the obtained crude vanadium solid solution phase is mainly <VO, V2C>, and the V content is about 84%. For refining conditions, when the temperature is controlled at 1680 ℃, the carbon-oxygen ratio is 1.02, and the vacuum degree is below 0.1 Pa, the ductile metal vanadium product can be obtained, and the purity of vanadium reaches 99.04%.
Key words:
- metal vanadium /
- V2O5 /
- carbothermal reduction /
- crude vanadium /
- purification
表 1 产品成分ICP分析
Table 1. ICP analysis of product composition
% V C O Al Ca Cr Fe Mg Mn Si 99.04 0.231 0.098 0.0787 0.161 0.005 0.1106 0.0141 0.009 0.0794 -
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