Analysis and selection of technical paths for recycling and utilization of waste vanadium catalysts
摘要: 在推进制造业绿色化发展过程中,废钒系催化剂的综合回收利用有着广阔的发展前景,是实现钒产业循环经济的迫切需求,探究低污染、低能耗、短流程、高效益、全回收、适于大规模运用的新工艺是废钒系催化剂回收利用技术的发展方向。通过分析现有废钒触媒和废钒钛系脱硝催化剂回收利用的主要方法、原理、途径及优缺点,可知目前研究工作的重点还是在降低工艺成本、简化工艺流程的前提下尽可能减少二次污染的产生,并进一步提高金属回收效率。机械预处理、先进的氧化工艺和选择性浸出等新技术值得进一步研究。基于承钢公司现有提钒钛工艺与设备,对废钒触媒和废钒钛系脱硝催化剂回收利用钒、钛等有价金属元素进行研究,并结合环保政策及建设成本等因素,提出了适宜的废钒系催化剂回收利用技术路线。Abstract: In order to promote the green development of manufacturing industry, the comprehensive recycling and utilization of waste vanadium catalysts has broad prospects, and is an urgent need to realize the circular economy of vanadium industry. Exploring a new process with low pollution, low energy consumption, short process, high efficiency, full recovery and suitable for large-scale application is the development direction of waste vanadium catalyst recycling and utilization. By analyzing the main methods, principles, approaches and advantages and disadvantages of the existing waste vanadium catalysts and waste vanadium titanium denitrification catalysts, it can be seen that the current research focus is to reduce the secondary pollution as much as possible and further improve the metal recovery efficiency under the premise of reducing the process cost and simplifying the process flow. New technologies such as mechanical pretreatment, advanced oxidation process and selective leaching are worthy of further study. Based on the existing technology and equipment of vanadium and titanium extraction in Cheng Iron and Steel Company, the recovery and utilization of valuable metal elements such as vanadium and titanium were studied in the waste vanadium catalyst and vanadium and titanium denitrification catalyst, and the appropriate technical route of recovery and utilization of vanadium and titanium catalysts was proposed in combination with environmental protection policy and construction cost.
表 1 废钒触媒回收利用技术对比
Table 1. Comparison of recycling and utilization technologies for waste vanadium catalysts
工艺 条件 浸出率/% 酸浸提钒法 还原酸浸[16] ① 98.5 还原酸浸[17] ② 98 直接酸浸[18] ③ 95 氧化酸浸[19] ④ 95.1 钠化焙烧-浸出提钒[22] ⑤ 95.2 碱浸提钒法 Na2CO3和NaHCO3混合浸出[25] ⑥ 89 两段逆流碱浸法[9] ⑦ 81.24~87.97 空白高温氧化-铵盐浸出法[26] ⑧ 91 注:由于各研究所采用的废钒触媒的物理性质、化学成分不尽相同,对比数据仅供参考。条件:①50 ℃,SO2/V=1.5 mol-equiv;②30 ℃,pH=1 H2SO4,0.01 mol/L Na2SO3;③80~85 ℃,S/L =2.5,硫酸:水=4.73:100;④50 ℃,0.5 mol/L H2SO4,0.1 mol/L H2O2;⑤废钒触媒粒度140 μm,氧化焙烧温度800 ℃,焙烧时间2 h;水浸pH值8~8.5,渣碱浸pH值12;⑥Na2CO3质量分数14.2%,NaHCO3质量分数15.3%,液固比3:1,固体物料中w(KClO3)0.9%,pH11~12,80~90 ℃,1 h;⑦一段:液固液比为1:4,80 ℃,45 min,终点pH值控制13 ~14;二段:加碱量为原料五氧化二钒含量的1.2~1.3倍,80 ℃,2 h,固液比1:4;⑧氧化温度850 ℃,氧化时间3 h,浸出温度72~75 ℃,浸出时间2 h。 表 2 废脱硝催化剂回收利用技术对比
Table 2. Comparison of recycling and utilization technologies for waste denitration catalysts
工艺 条件 钒浸出率/% 直接酸浸法 草酸浸出[34] Ⅰ 85 酒石酸浸出[36] Ⅱ 44 盐酸浸出[37] Ⅲ 98 直接碱浸法 常压碱浸[38] Ⅳ 92.94 加压碱浸[39] Ⅴ 91.5 高压碱浸[40] Ⅵ 50~60 高温碱熔法 钠化焙烧-水浸[41] Ⅶ 49.15 碳酸钠混合焙烧-稀硫酸浸出[42] Ⅷ 99.08 直接合金化法 铁钛合金[43] Ⅸ Ti-Al基合金[44-45] Ⅹ 注:由于各研究所采用的废脱硝催化剂的物理性质、化学成分不尽相同,对比数据仅供参考。条件:Ⅰ草酸浓度1.0 mol/L、固液比1/20 (g/mL)、反应温度 90 ℃、反应时间180 min ;Ⅱ酒石酸浓度为0.5 mol/L、浸取温度为100 ℃、液固比为10 mL/g、浸取时间为180 min;Ⅲ30 ℃,pH=1 H2SO4,0.01 mol/L Na2SO3;ⅣNaOH浓度为7.5 mol/L,温度为100 ℃;ⅤNaOH浓度为3 mol/L,温度250 ℃,固液比0.4;Ⅵ温度180~200 ℃,碱矿比0.6,液固比4;Ⅶ焙烧温度为900 ℃、焙烧时间为2 h、Na2CO3含量为30%;Ⅷ焙烧温度800 ℃、焙烧时间3 h、Na2CO3与催化剂的质量比1.2、硫酸浓度2%、液固比8、浸出温度80 ℃、浸出时间4 h;Ⅸ以金属铝作为还原剂将废脱硝催化剂中的二氧化钛还原为金属钛,并加入到铁液中制备铁钛合金;Ⅹ铝热还原-重熔精炼除杂工艺制备Ti-Al基合金,并添加不同含量的Cr元素,得到合金成分为Ti-~44%Al-(0.4%~0.9%)V-~2%W-3%Si-(0~3%)Cr。 表 3 废钒钛系脱硝催化剂钠化焙烧与加压碱浸提钒工艺对比
Table 3. Comparison of sodium roasting and pressurized alkaline leaching vanadium extraction processes for denitration catalysts
反应温度/ ℃ 钒浸出率/% 吨钒碱消耗量/t 环 保 投资成本 钠化焙烧工艺 850 50~52 60(Na2CO3) 废水难以循环利用,SO2、NH3、NO2气体排放 生产流程长,投资成本高 加压碱浸提钒工艺 160 71.39 3(NaOH) 可实现碱介质循环利用,无有害窑气排放 生产流程短,投资成本低 -
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