Overview of non-quenched and tempered steel for automotive
摘要: 分析了国内外非调质钢在汽车零部件领域的发展历程及现状,重点分析了非调质钢的强韧化技术措施、硫化物形态和分布的控制技术,以及材料偏析的控制措施。非调质钢强韧化主要通过成分及生产工艺优化和组织优化两个途径实现,硫化物形态和分布可以从冶炼、凝固和轧制等过程进行调控,硫化物偏析可以从凝固过程和连铸工艺进行改善。未来,随着非调质钢市场的发展及品种需求的进一步提升,非调质钢将向着多品种化、微合金高强化、易切削化、高速化及高可靠性方向进一步发展。Abstract: In this paper the development history and status quo of non-quenched and tempered steel for making auto parts worldwidely had been described, and the technologies such as strengthening & toughening, sulfide form and distribution control, and material segregation control had been highlighted. The strength and toughening of non-quenched and tempered steel are mainly realized through two approaches: composition and production process optimization and microstructure optimization. Sulfide morphology and distribution can be regulated from smelting, solidification, and rolling processes, and sulfide segregation can be improved from solidification process and continuous casting process. In the future, with the development of the non-quenched and tempered steel market and the further improvement of variety demand, non-quenched and tempered steel will further develop in the direction of multi-variety, micro-alloying high strengthen, easy cutting, high speed, and high reliability.
图 1 不同强度级别非调质钢的强韧性匹配情况[16]
Figure 1. Matching situation of strength and toughness of different strength grades of non-quenched and tempered steel
图 3 2012~2018年我国非调质钢用量及占比情况[20]
Figure 3. The consumption and proportion of non-quenched and tempered steel in China from 2012 to 2018
图 5 V-N钢晶粒细化原理[16]
Figure 5. The grain refinement principle of the V-N steel
图 6 硫化物形状对切削性能的影响[32]
Figure 6. The influence of sulfide shape on cutting performance
图 9 非金属夹杂物种类和尺寸对疲劳性能的影响[33]
Figure 9. Influence of the type and size of non-metallic inclusions on fatigue performance of non-quenched and tempered steel
图 10 含硫钢凝固分率与温度的关系[50]
Figure 10. Relationship between solidification rate and temperature of sulfur-containing steel
表 1 国外生产的非调质钢代表钢种及成分性能情况
Table 1. Steel grade and composition properties of typical non-quenched and tempered steel produced abroad
产地 代表钢种 主要成分/% 用途 强度级别/MPa C Si Mn S V Ti N 德国 49MnVS3 0.47 0.20 0.85 0.050 0.10 0.014 曲轴 850 C70S6 0.70 0.20 0.50 0.060 0.03 0.015 连杆 900 38MnVS6 0.38 0.65 1.40 0.030 0.10 0.017 活塞 850 美国 44MnSiVS6 0.44 0.65 1.45 0.025 0.16 0.015 0.017 曲轴 950 瑞典 V-2906 0.45 0.30 0.70 0.050 0.10 0.017 曲轴 850 V-2908 0.38 0.55 1.40 0.050 0.016 曲轴 800 日本 S38CMS1 0.38 0.55 1.45 0.060 0.014 曲轴 800 SVh40C 0.40 0.20 0.75 0.020 0.05 0.010 曲轴 800 36MnVS4 0.38 0.65 1.00 0.070 0.25 0.017 连杆 950 表 2 国外汽车零部件用非调质钢相关专利主要申请人分析
Table 2. Analysis of the main applicants for foreign patents related to non-quenched and tempered steel for auto parts
申请人 专利数/个 日本制铁株式会社 127 大同特殊钢株式会社 54 株式会社神户制钢所 50 JFE钢铁株式会社 30 韩国现代汽车公司 25 本田技研工业株式会社 18 安塞乐米塔尔 18 日本爱知制钢株式会社 18 丰田自动车株式会社 17 日产自动车株式会社 17 -
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