Effect of heat treatment process on microstructure and properties of titanium alloy tubing
摘要: 通过光学显微镜、扫描电镜、拉伸试验机、冲击试验机等手段研究了不同热处理工艺对钛合金油管组织和性能的影响。结果表明:固溶温度对钛合金油管的晶粒形态和各相占比产生较大的影响。在α+β两相区固溶处理,随着固溶温度的升高,α相的占比下降;在850 ℃固溶1 h水冷+550 ℃时效2 h空冷热处理工艺下获得了双态组织,可实现钛合金油管的高强韧性匹配,综合性能优异,满足SY/T 6896.3标准对110ksi钢级钛合金油管的要求。Abstract: The effect of heat treatment process on the microstructure and properties of titanium alloy oil well tubes was studied by means of optical microscope, scanning electron microscope, tensile testing machine and impact testing machine. The results show that the solid solution temperature has a great influence on the grain morphology and phase proportion of titanium alloy tubing. In the α+β two-phase region, the proportion of α phase decreases with increase of the solution temperature. Bimodal structure of titanium alloy can be obtained at 850 ℃ of solid solution for 1 h followed by water cooling and 550 ℃ aging for 2 h followed by air cooling, which can realize the matching of high strength and toughness of titanium alloy oil well tubes. And it has excellent comprehensive properties, meeting the requirements of SY/T 6896.3 standard for 110ksi steel grade titanium alloy oil well tubes.
表 1 钛合金油管的化学成分
Table 1. Chemical compositions of titanium alloy tubing
% Al V Fe C N H O Mo+Zr Ti 5.06 4.05 0.045 0.015 0.01 0.005 0.08 ≥3 Bal 表 2 不同热处理钛合金油管的力学性能
Table 2. Mechanical properties of titanium alloy tubing with different heat treatment parameters
工艺 试样号 屈服强度/MPa 抗拉强度/MPa 延伸率A /% 1 1-1 805 915 12.0 1-2 825 920 10.5 1-3 815 925 11.5 2 2-1 900 1000 15.5 2-2 895 1010 15.0 2-3 915 1035 15.5 3 3-1 930 1040 12.0 3-2 925 1030 12.5 3-3 920 1025 13.5 SY/T 6896.3标准对
110ksi钢级要求758~965 ≥862 ≥12 表 3 不同热处理钛合金油管的夏比冲击值
Table 3. Charpy impact value of titanium alloy tubing with different heat treatment
工艺 取样方向 冲击值(0 ℃)/J 测试值 平均值 1 纵向 36,38,40 38.0 2 纵向 68,69,64 67.0 3 纵向 38,45,43 42.0 注:冲击试样尺寸为10 mm×10 mm×55 mm。SY/T 6896.3标准对110ksi钢级要求:0 ℃纵向冲击值≥41 J。 -
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