Preparation and performance optimization of Co-doped high-titanium blast furnace slag as photocatalytic material
摘要: 为了实现以非提钛方法对高钛型高炉渣的综合利用,利用其含TiO2可制备光催化剂的特点,以攀钢高钛型高炉渣掺杂硝酸钴为原料,采用液相法掺杂并烧结制备掺杂Co的光催化剂,在紫外光下,考察了煅烧温度、掺杂量及煅烧时间对模拟污染物亚甲基蓝溶液降解率的影响。结果表明:在煅烧温度600 ℃、Co-Ti质量掺杂比(w(Co): w(Ti))0.03、煅烧时间2 h时,制备的掺杂Co光催化剂降解率达到89.0%,比未掺杂之前提高了32.4%。Abstract: In order to realize the comprehensive utilization of high-titanium blast furnace slag without titanium extraction, cobalt doped photocatalyst was prepared via liquid phase method followed by sintering using Pangang high-titanium blast furnace slag and cobalt nitrate as raw materials. The influences of calcination temperature, Co doping amount and calcination time on the degradation rate of simulated pollutant methylene blue solution were investigated under ultraviolet light. The results show that the degradation rate of 89.0% can be obtained for the Co-doped photocatalyst roasted at 600 °C for 2 h with mass ratio of Co to Ti of 0.03, 32.4% higher than that of the photocatalyst without Co doping.
Key words:
- high titanium blast furnace slag /
- cobalt nitrate /
- photocatalyst /
- degradation rate
表 1 高钛型高炉渣的主要成分
Table 1. Main compositions of high titanium blast furnace slag
% TiO2 Fe2O3 SiO2 MgO Al2O3 CaO V2O5 F 23.16 2.64 24.01 7.47 13.49 27.19 0.82 0.12 表 2 正交试验结果与分析
Table 2. Results and analysis of orthogonal tests
试验号 Aw(Co)∶
度/℃空列 C煅烧时
率/%1 1(0.02) 1(600) 1 1(1) 75.26 2 1(0.02) 2(700) 2 2(2) 70.53 3 1(0.02) 3(800) 3 3(3) 65.21 4 2(0.03) 1(600) 2 3(3) 79.22 5 2(0.03) 2(700) 3 1(1) 70.22 6 2(0.03) 3(800) 1 2(2) 79.20 7 3(0.04) 1(600) 3 2(2) 75.18 8 3(0.04) 2(700) 1 3(3) 60.28 9 3(0.04) 3(800) 2 1(1) 70.25 k1 70.33 76.55 71.58 71.91 k2 76.21 67.01 73.33 74.97 k3 68.57 71.55 70.20 68.24 极差R 7.64 9.54 3.13 6.73 因素主→次 BAC 最优方案 B1A2C2 -
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