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吴良平 孙晗 谢剑波 吴翔宇 付建勋

吴良平, 孙晗, 谢剑波, 吴翔宇, 付建勋. Y1Cr13不锈钢轧材劈头开裂原因分析[J]. 钢铁钒钛, 2021, 42(1): 176-183. doi: 10.7513/j.issn.1004-7638.2021.01.029
引用本文: 吴良平, 孙晗, 谢剑波, 吴翔宇, 付建勋. Y1Cr13不锈钢轧材劈头开裂原因分析[J]. 钢铁钒钛, 2021, 42(1): 176-183. doi: 10.7513/j.issn.1004-7638.2021.01.029
Wu Liangping, Sun Han, Xie Jianbo, Wu Xiangyu, Fu Jianxun. Analysis on split-head cracking of Y1Cr13 stainless rolled bar[J]. IRON STEEL VANADIUM TITANIUM, 2021, 42(1): 176-183. doi: 10.7513/j.issn.1004-7638.2021.01.029
Citation: Wu Liangping, Sun Han, Xie Jianbo, Wu Xiangyu, Fu Jianxun. Analysis on split-head cracking of Y1Cr13 stainless rolled bar[J]. IRON STEEL VANADIUM TITANIUM, 2021, 42(1): 176-183. doi: 10.7513/j.issn.1004-7638.2021.01.029


doi: 10.7513/j.issn.1004-7638.2021.01.029
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(51874195&5167112)。




  • 中图分类号: TF76

Analysis on split-head cracking of Y1Cr13 stainless rolled bar

  • 摘要: 针对某厂生产的Y1Cr13不锈钢在轧制过程产生劈头开裂的问题,采用金相显微镜、扫描电子显微镜、小样电解等分析检测方法,从夹杂物微观形貌角度对钢劈头开裂样中硫化物的微观形貌特征进行了表征分析,并探究了Y1Cr13不锈钢轧制时劈头开裂形成的原因。结果表明:该不锈钢轧材存在大量长条状硫化物,硫化物长宽比较大,长宽比分布在3以内的夹杂物占比为65.4%,长宽比大于3的夹杂物占比为34.6%,硫化物的国标评级为:粗系4.5级,细系5.5级,德标评级为3-3级;钢中过多的热脆细长条状硫化锰和锰铁硫化物是劈头开裂的主要原因。采用镁、碲等新工艺可对硫化物形态进行改质,将其控制为球形或纺锤形,并提高硫化物硬度,轧制时不易变形;通过适当减少钢中的[S]含量以及提高钢中Mn/S等措施可减少钢中的(Mn,Fe)硫化物。
  • 图  1  劈头开裂样及取样示意

    Figure  1.  Physical model of split-head cracking of steel sample and sampling positions

    图  2  劈头裂纹扫描

    Figure  2.  Scanning photos showing appearances of split-head crack

    图  3  裂纹边端和延展部的夹杂物及能谱

    Figure  3.  Inclusions at the edge and extension of cracks and its energy spectrometry

    图  4  电解腐蚀后的裂纹内部三维形貌

    Figure  4.  The inner three-dimensional morphologies of the cracks after electrolytic corrosion

    图  5  裂纹内部的细长条状夹杂物及能谱

    Figure  5.  Slender long-strip inclusions inside the crack and its energy spectrometry

    图  6  A厂Y1Cr13钢的硫化物形貌

    Figure  6.  The morphologies of the sulfides in Y1Cr13 steel produced by factory A

    图  7  三厂试样中典型视场

    Figure  7.  Typical optical morphologies of specimens provided by three plants

    图  8  三厂Y1Cr13钢中硫化物长宽比对比

    Figure  8.  Comparison of the ratio of sulfides in Y1Cr13 steels provided by three plants

    图  9  劈头样中心处的夹杂物扫描

    Figure  9.  Scanning photos of inclusions at the center of the split head sample

    图  10  腐蚀后夹杂物三维形貌

    Figure  10.  Three dimensional morphologies of the inclusions after electrolytic corrosion

    图  11  劈头样中心处的细长条状夹杂物及能谱

    Figure  11.  Slender long-stripe inclusions at the center of split-head sample and its energy spectrometry

    表  1  试验钢的主要化学成分

    Table  1.   Main chemical compositions of experimental steels %

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    表  2  三个厂硫化物评级对比

    Table  2.   Comparison of inclusions rating of samples provided by three plants

    厂家国标评级(GBT 10516—2005)德标评级
    A 粗系4.5级,细系5.5级 3-3级
    B 粗系3.0级,细系5.5级 2-3级
    C 粗系1.5级,细系5.5级 2-2级
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    表  3  图9中夹杂物原子百分比

    Table  3.   Atomic percentages of elements in inclusions in figure 9 %

    4.07 4.63 9.01 2.28 42.15 37.86
    38.83 34.49 7.99 11.20 7.49
    36.58 28.08 17.13 11.19 7.01
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