Experimental study on beneficiation of a weathered V-Ti iron ore from abroad
摘要: 针对国外某深度蚀变氧化型钒钛铁矿,铁矿物与钛矿物难以物理选矿实现分离,脉石矿物的比磁化系数、比重与金属矿物差异较大、易磨矿解离的特征,开展了选矿富集钒钛铁试验研究,对比了磁选回收工艺、分级-磁选回收工艺及重选回收工艺,确定磁选回收工艺为最适宜的回收工艺。磁选回收工艺获得了可市售的含钒铁精矿含Fe 60.52%、V2O5 1.03%,回收率分别为Fe 8.12%、V2O5 8.62%,钒钛铁混合精矿Fe 50.03%、V2O5 0.80%、TiO2 16.01%,回收率分别为Fe 78.61%、V2O5 78.45%、TiO2 82.88%的选别指标,混合精矿钒、钛、铁品位较高,可作为冶金进一步获取钒、钛、铁的原料。Abstract: For a severely weathered and oxidized V-Ti iron ore from abroad, Fe minerals and Ti minerals are disseminated closely to each other thus it is difficult to separate by physical beneficiation. Based on the specific magnetization coefficient and specific gravity, gangue minerals are quite different from those of metal minerals and are easy to dissociate by grinding, the study on primary enrichment of V-Ti-Fe was carried out. Recovery of V-Ti-Fe by magnetic separation, classification–magnetic separation and gravity separation were compared. The result shows that the magnetic separation is the most suitable method for the ore. The saleable V-bearing iron concentrate consisting of Fe 60.52%, V2O5 1.03% with the recovery of Fe 8.12%, V2O5 8.62%, and the V-Ti-Fe bulk concentrate consisting of Fe 50.03%, V2O5 0.80%, TiO2 16.01% with the recovery of Fe 78.61%, V2O5 78.45%, TiO2 82.88% were obtained by magnetic separation. The bulk concentrate with high grade of V2O5 and TiO2 could be used as raw materials for extracting vanadium, titanium and iron.
表 1 矿石的多元素分析
Table 1. The major element composition of ROM
% Fe V2O5 TiO2 Al2O3 SiO2 P2O5 S K2O Na2O CaO 43.51 0.71 13.26 7.85 10.54 <0.01 0.004 0.002 0.31 0.03 表 2 矿石矿物组成
Table 2. The mineralogical composition of ROM
% 磁铁矿-磁赤铁矿-赤铁矿 钛铁矿-蚀变钛铁矿 褐铁矿 蒙脱石 粘土矿物 白钛石 石英 叶腊石 其它 41.85 15.78 22.97 0.25 16.54 0.22 0.22 0.23 1.94 表 3 −2 mm原矿筛分分析结果
Table 3. The screening analysis result of −2 mm ROM
粒级/mm 产率/% 品位/% 回收率/% Fe V2O5 TiO2 Fe V2O5 TiO2 −2.0~+1.5 6.63 49.36 0.76 13.81 7.43 7.20 6.87 −1.5~+1.0 11.68 50.14 0.78 14.40 13.30 13.01 12.62 −1.0~+0.5 19.90 49.94 0.78 14.37 22.55 22.17 21.45 −0.5~+0.25 13.69 48.92 0.83 14.75 15.21 16.23 15.15 −0.25~+0.10 13.44 48.34 0.75 12.74 14.75 14.40 12.84 −0.1~+0.075 4.11 45.64 0.69 15.99 4.25 4.05 4.92 −0.075~+0.038 8.35 42.91 0.64 17.03 8.14 7.63 10.67 −0.038~+0.02 8.93 40.45 0.68 15.07 8.20 8.68 10.10 −0.02~+0.01 3.26 30.59 0.44 9.48 2.26 2.05 2.32 −0.01~+0.005 1.86 24.75 0.41 6.64 1.05 1.09 0.93 −0.005 8.15 15.45 0.30 3.52 2.86 3.49 2.15 合计 100.00 44.05 0.70 13.33 100.00 100.00 100.00 表 4 磁选粗精矿精选试验结果
Table 4. The test result of magnetic separation concentrate cleaning
精选作业 产品名称 作业产率/% 品位/% 作业回收率/% Fe V2O5 TiO2 Fe V2O5 TiO2 高梯度磁选 精矿 82.49 51.14 0.79 16.65 85.40 82.68 86.58 中矿 17.51 41.20 0.78 12.16 14.60 17.32 13.42 混合精矿 100.00 49.40 0.79 15.86 100.00 100.00 100.00 细泥摇床 精矿 35.09 52.35 0.91 19.06 37.19 41.42 42.35 中矿 40.71 50.95 0.80 14.89 41.99 42.25 38.39 尾矿 24.20 42.48 0.52 12.56 20.82 16.33 19.25 混合精矿 100.00 49.39 0.77 15.79 100.00 100.00 100.00 表 5 磁选回收试验结果
Table 5. The test result of magnetic seperation
产品名称 产率/% 品位/% 回收率/% Fe V2O5 TiO2 Fe V2O5 TiO2 含钒铁精矿 5.84 60.52 1.03 9.28 8.12 8.62 4.10 混合精矿 68.40 50.03 0.80 16.01 78.61 78.45 82.88 尾矿 25.76 22.42 0.35 6.68 13.27 12.93 13.02 原矿 100.00 43.53 0.70 13.21 100.00 100.00 100.00 含钒铁精矿+混合精矿 74.24 50.85 0.82 15.48 86.73 87.07 86.98 表 6 原矿擦洗—振动筛筛分试验结果
Table 6. The test result of recovery of V, Ti, Fe by scrubbing screening
产品名称 产率/% 品位/% 回收率/% Fe V2O5 TiO2 Fe V2O5 TiO2 粗粒级粗精矿 50.59 49.29 0.81 14.14 56.05 57.04 53.26 −0.25 mm粒级 49.41 38.30 0.60 12.12 43.95 42.96 46.74 原矿 100.00 43.86 0.71 13.14 100.00 100.00 100.00 表 7 −0.25 mm粒级磁选回收试验结果
Table 7. The test result of −0.25 mm size range recovery by magnetic seperation
产品名称 作业产率/% 品位/% 作业回收率/% Fe V2O5 TiO2 Fe V2O5 TiO2 含钒铁精矿 3.65 60.01 0.96 8.64 5.67 5.80 2.61 混合精矿 56.61 48.16 0.76 17.22 70.63 71.19 80.63 尾矿 39.74 23.02 0.35 5.10 23.70 23.01 16.76 −0.25 mm粒级 100.00 38.60 0.60 12.09 100.00 100.00 100.00 表 8 原矿分级–磁选试验结果
Table 8. The test result of classification–magnetic separation
产品名称 产率/% 品位/% 回收率/% Fe V2O5 TiO2 Fe V2O5 TiO2 含钒铁精矿 1.54 60.12 0.98 8.17 2.12 2.15 0.96 混合精矿 77.42 48.68 0.77 15.22 86.34 84.96 89.96 尾矿 21.04 23.93 0.43 5.65 11.53 12.89 9.08 原矿 100.00 43.65 0.70 13.10 100.00 100.00 100.00 含钒铁精矿+混合精矿 78.96 48.90 0.77 15.08 88.46 87.11 90.92 表 9 原矿分级摇床试验结果
Table 9. The test result of classification-shaking process
产品名称 产率/% 品位/% 回收率/% Fe V2O5 TiO2 Fe V2O5 TiO2 摇精1~3 39.40 52.36 0.90 17.08 47.62 51.48 51.01 摇中1~3 25.88 47.12 0.72 13.49 28.15 27.05 26.46 摇床尾矿 34.72 30.23 0.43 2.97 24.23 21.47 22.53 原矿 100.00 43.32 0.69 13.19 100.00 100.00 100.00 摇精+摇中 65.29 50.28 0.80 15.66 75.77 78.53 77.47 表 10 原矿螺旋溜槽试验结果
Table 10. The test result of spiral chute process
产品名称 产率/% 品位/% 回收率/% Fe V2O5 TiO2 Fe V2O5 TiO2 精矿 43.48 52.11 0.87 17.12 51.82 54.08 55.93 中矿 23.81 43.54 0.60 12.82 23.71 20.57 22.93 尾矿 32.71 32.70 0.54 8.60 24.47 25.35 21.14 原矿 100.00 43.72 0.70 13.31 100.00 100.00 100.00 精矿+中矿 67.29 49.07 0.78 15.60 75.53 74.65 78.86 表 11 三种工艺回收指标对比结果
Table 11. The comparison result of recovery indexes of three processes
回收工艺 抛废率/% 品位/% 回收率/% Fe V2O5 TiO2 Fe V2O5 TiO2 分级-磁选 21.04 48.90 0.77 15.08 88.46 87.11 90.92 磁选 25.76 50.85 0.82 15.48 86.73 87.07 86.98 螺旋溜槽 32.71 49.07 0.78 15.60 75.53 74.65 78.86 表 12 含钒铁精矿多元素分析
Table 12. The major element composition of V-bearing iron concentrate
% Fe V2O5 TiO2 Al2O3 SiO2 P2O5 S Zn Sn Cu As 60.52 1.03 9.28 2.98 3.412 0.01 0.05 0.08 0.02 0.01 <0.01 表 13 强磁选精矿多元素分析
Table 13. The major element composition of strong magnetic concentrate
% Fe V2O5 TiO2 Al2O3 SiO2 P2O5 S Zn Sn Cu As 50.03 0.80 16.01 8.43 9.87 0.02 0.12 0.05 0.05 0.045 <0.01 -
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