Instructions for Authors

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1 Scope

ISVT mainly reports the fundamental theories, R & D achievements and advanced technologies of vanadium-bearing titaniferous magnetite smelting and metallic materials, and focuses on new smelting technologies of vanadium-bearing titaniferous magnetite and comprehensive utilization of vanadium and titanium resources. Clear themes, explicit viewpoints, reliable data, substantial contents, well arranged structures, and terse words are encouraged for all the contributions. Papers that report significant achievements or are funded by fund programs will be preferentially published.

2 Requirements and points for attention

1) Short papers are encouraged. An experimental research paper or a review shall contain at most 8000 or 10000 words(including words of figures and tables), respectively. Please indicate the fund No. for the paper funded.

2) An abstract with 200~300 words and 3~8 key words are required for a paper, and the paper’s title, authors’ name, affiliated companies or institutions of the authors, abstract and key words shall be translated into English.

3) The contribution may be prepared in Microsoft Word. Foreign characteristics and symbols shall be correctly written, and superscripts and subscripts shall be noticeably marked. Legal units of measurement shall be used according to national standards, and obsolete units shall be avoided.

4) The figures and tables in the paper shall have Chinese and English headings. The drawing software for the illustrations shall be indicated and the original format shall be provided. Three-line tables are preferred.

5) Arrange the references by the sequence that they appear in the paper, and generally, the unpublished references shall not be quoted. Requirements of national standards shall be followed for the bibliographical description. Non-English references shall be translated into English, and positioned above the Chinese ones with the Chinese ones bracketed.

6) All the authors’ detailed postal addresses, post codes, telephone numbers and E-mail addresses shall be provided. If you prefer to include a brief introduction of the authors, please provide relative information including author’s name, date of birth, gender, native place, nationality, position, technical title, research field, and E-mail address etc.

3 Contribution agreements

1) The paper contributed has not been published in domestic or overseas formal journal. If a paper has been read out on an academic conference or published in house journals, kindly indicate it.

2) The author will be informed in one month whether the paper is accepted or not, so please don’t make any other contribution in the period. The author is entitled to deal with it on his/her own will exceeding the time limit. The editorial office will not send back the paper.

3) Once the paper is published, the editorial office of ISVT owns its copyright (including the copyright of the electronic version).

4) When a paper is published in Iron Steel Vanadium Titanium, the author is paid with remuneration, and presented with two paper journals in which the paper is published. Both the remuneration and journals are posted to the first author only. The author shall pay for the postage caused by redirecting due to incorrect contact information or address.

4 The publishing process of a paper

Contribution by authors→Accepting papers and distributing contribution No. by the editorial office→Article screening for plagiarism→First review→Peer review(Double-blind review)→Final review by the editor-in-chief→Paper arrangement for each column of the journal→Editing→Typesetting→Printing→Publishing.

5 Article screening for plagiarism

Iron Steel Vanadium Titanium rigorously screen article submissions for plagiarism through CNKI database ahead of peer-view and publication. Once plagiarism is found (repetition rate >15%), we will  notify the author to reject the manuscript.

6 Publication fee

For the confirmed manuscripts, the article publishing charge (APC) must be paid according to the notification amount, with a payment standard of 1000 RMB per article for regular publication and 2000 RMB per article for accelerated publication services. In the event that a manuscript is unable to be published due to issues such as duplicate publication, plagiarism, or copyright disputes, including instances where an article is retracted after publication for reasons such as plagiarism or forgery, the APC already paid will not be eligible for a refund.

7 Archive

Articles published since the journal's inception have been digitally archived,  accessible to readers through the 'Journal Online - Archive' section on the journal's website. To safeguard data security, the journal's entire information, including each issue's print and electronic versions, has been backed up at the editorial office.

In addition, "Iron Steel Vanadium Titanium"provides authors to archive their works permanently on the official website of the journal (

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