(1) Chinese titles:2-point ‘黑体’(font type), center aligned in one column, and generally not exceeding 20 Chinese characters.
(2) Names of authors:4.5-point ‘小仿宋体’, and center aligned in one column. ‘,’ should be used to separate the names of authors. Multiple authors with different affiliations should be marked with superscript Arabic numbers 1) and 2) etc.
(3) Affiliations:5.5-point ‘仿宋体’, center aligned in one column, and bracketed. Authors’ affiliations should be detailed to departments. ‘;’should be used to separate different affiliations, and multiple affiliations should be marked with Arabic numbers.
(4) Chinese abstract:5.5-point ‘宋体’. The words ‘摘要’ should be set in ‘黑体’ and in one column. 2 indentations should be reserved at both the left side and right side for each line of this part. Abstracts contain only one paragraph and 200~300 words. Figures, tables, formulas or reference No. must be omitted in the abstracts.
(5) Key words:5.5-point ‘宋体’. The words ‘关键词’ should be set in ‘黑体’(font type) and in one column. 2 indentations should be reserved at both the left side and right side for each line of this part. ‘关键词’. Key words should be separated by ‘;’.
(6) English titles:4.5-point Times New Roman, bold, and center aligned in one column. The initials of English titles should be capitalized (i.e., nouns, verbs, and all other words except articles, prepositions, and conjunctions).
(7) Pinyin of authors’ names: 5-point Times New Roman, and center aligned in one column. ‘,’should be used to separate the names of the authors, and half a character indentation should be reserved between surnames and given names. Surnames should come before given names with the initials of each name capitalized, and authors’ names should be written out in full.
(8) English names of authors’ affiliations: 5.5 -point Times New Roman, center aligned in one column, and bracketed. The affiliations should generally be arranged in the following order: department, organization, city and postcode, province, and country. ‘;’should be used to separate different affiliations, and multiple affiliations should be marked with Arabic numbers.
(9) English abstracts:5-point, and in one column. The word ‘Abstract’ should be in bold Times New Roman, followed by a colon. Contents of abstracts should be in 5-point Times New Roman. 2 indentations should be reserved at both the left side and right side for each line of this part. Contents of abstracts in Chinese and English should coincide with each other. Employing long sentences or modifying nouns with long adjectives or nouns is not encouraged.
(10) English key words:5-point, and in one column. The words ‘key words’ should be in bold Times New Roman, followed by a colon. Contents of key words should be in 5-point Times New Roman, and should not be capitalized except proper nouns. ‘;’should be used to separate multiple key words. 2 indentations should be reserved before the beginning or after the end of each line for this part. Key words in Chinese and English should coincide with each other both in contents and in sequences.
(11) Texts
Texts should be set in 5-point 宋体 and in two columns, and 2 indentations should be reserved at the beginning of paragraphs.
The first-level headings should be set in bold 4.5-point ‘仿宋体and flush left. 1 indentation should be reserved between the heading No. and heading contents. Appropriate extra space should be reserved above and below the headings.
The second-level headings should be set in 5-point 宋体’, and flush left. 1 indentation should be reserved between the heading No. and heading contents.
Texts should be set in 5-point ‘宋体’ with linewidth of 1.25times
(12) Figures and tables
For the reason of modification, a clear original copy of figures and tables should be additionally provided except those inserted in the texts.
Figures and tables should be placed near the corresponding texts. Chinese figure and table captions should always be positioned above English ones.
Figures: figure captions should be set in 5.5-point ‘宋体’and aligned to the center with 1 indentation reserved between figure No. and figure captions. Figures should be controlled in appropriate sizes, and words in the figures should be set in 6-point type. Appropriate extra space should be reserved above and below figures.
Tables: table captions should be set in 5.5-point ‘宋体’and aligned to the center with 1 indentation reserved between table No. and table captions. Three-line tables are required with words in tables set in 6-point type. Appropriate extra space should be reserved above and below tables.
(13) References
Major articles published in recent years that authors are referring to should be quoted as references. Please follow ‘Descriptive Rules for Bibliographic References’ GB/T7714-2005 when list references. For citations in the text, please use superscript square brackets and consecutive Arabic numbers, which coincide with the reference sequences. The references at the end of the article should be set in 1 column. The words ‘参考文献’ should be set in 5-point ‘黑体’ and aligned to the left, and an extra line space should be reserved above and below. The contents of references in Chinese should be set in 5.5-point ‘宋体’, while those in English in 5.5-point ‘Times New Roman’. 1 indentation should be reserved between the reference No. and reference contents, and if the reference exceeds one line, kindly align to the first character instead of the reference No. when start a new line. Surnames should come before given names with the initials of each name capitalized. Half a character indentation should be reserved between the surname and the given name. Where there are more than three authors, the first three should be listed, followed by an ‘et al.’. The initials of English titles and journal names (i.e., nouns, verbs, and all other words except articles, prepositions, and conjunctions) should be capitalized. For those non-English references, their English translations should be additionally provided above them. The Chinese references should be bracketed and start on a new line.